Hey y’all! It’s Danny! Most of y’all probably know me as Br00TaL DAN across the interwebz aka your friendly local meatball aka your emotional support himbo. If you don’t, then hi! hello! welcome! My name is Danny and I’m really good at hugs, lifting heavy things, and caring too much about helping others!

I’m a chronically online, elder millennial that is an emo 90’s kid at heart. I’m also enamored with nerdy, queer and pop culture along with memes and digital trends. Oh! and yes that’s my best friend Bowser Butternubs.

I started this substack because I know the importance of social media and the digital communities that can come with it. Though it can be daunting, scary, and ugly at times, it can also provide a wealth of knowledge, entertainment, networking, job opportunities and friendships. I left my corporate job of 10 years to jump into a front facing, marketing position in table top games in 2021 and I want to be able to share knowledge of how I got to where I am, what I’ve learned since I started full-time in games, and help break down barriers for marginalized folks who are curious about what I do.

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You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. You’ll get a mixture of educational, experimental, and entertaining content that is kissed with wholesomeness, positivity, and a big himbo hug.

This is my attempt at creating a 3rd space where I can provide a little bit of me to hopefully impact a lot a bit of y’all out there. So if you like to learn in weird ways about the vastness of the internet and digital media, as well as topics like TTRPGs, board games, video games (especially Nintendo!), horror movies, LGBTQIA+ stuff, and other random adventures and escapades I get into, please join along and share the love as we go on this wild ride together!


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Bulk up your social strategies, strengthen your digital marketing, and flex your online presence with your favorite emotional support himbo. TOPICS: games, community building, social media trends, queer stuff, creative projects, personal musings + more!


He/Him. Professional Nerd. Community Manager. Social Media Strategist. Hug Shaped Himbo. TTRPG Creative. Elder Emo Millennial. Positive Energy Generator. Horror Movies. Nintendo.